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Index for “The Financial Economics of Gold – A Survey”

Below is the index of ‘The financial Economics of Gold – A Survey’, written by some of the authors this blog, of all academic gold research up to 2014  and available for download here.

One of the aims of the blog is to continue to develop this summary with publications after this date that relate to these areas. As new research is reviewed here we will insert hyperlinks for each of the sections so that when read in conjunction with the summary paper researchers and practitioners will have a concise review of where the research on each areas stands.

1 Introduction 8 Gold as an investment
2 A brief history of gold 9 Hedging and portfolio diversification
3 Gold market linkages around the world 10 A safe haven?
4 Physical gold demand and supply issues 11 Gold and other precious metals
5 Physical gold demand research 12 Gold and currencies
6 Physical gold supply research 13 Gold substitutes: mining stocks and ETFs
6.1 Mine supply 14 ‘Black gold’ and gold
6.2 Scrap supply 15 What drives the volatility of gold
6.3 Official sales purchases 16 Gold market efficiency
6.4 Producer hedging 17 Gold price bubbles
7 The relationship between gold prices and gold mines 18 Gold and inflation
19 Gold and inflation as predictors of each other

E-mail addresses: Fergal.a.oconnor(at) (F.A. O’Connor), blucey(at)